Monday, July 19, 2010

By the way...

I actually am starting to do this at home now. I ran out of money...and I find it quite irritating that just because I missed this week, the next time I go I will have to pay for it anyway. So, at home weight watchers from here on out. I am kinda sad that I won't have the meetings anymore because honestly, I'd like to show them I can and will do this! I'd like to show them how to succeed! Now because of my recent weigh-in's I know they are going to think I just gave up and quit. Oh well...I AM DOING THIS FOR MYSELF...

7/19/10 WEIGH IN

I am finally posting again...I kinda fell off the wagon there for a while. I'd lose 1 lb, gain 1 lb, lose 1.8, gain 1.8, and then this week I lost 3 whole lbs!!!! I am down to 203.0! I am determined to keep it up and maybe lose 3-4 next week and find myself in the 100's! Grant it, I'll be in the 190's, but thats much better than where I started. I know I had planned on reaching my 20lb goal SEVERAL weeks ago, but hey...I haven't given up! That is the important part right?

So this week I plan on keeping up with the water, fruit and vegies! Stay with-in or under my point allowance again. I know I have a few big events coming up such as a family reunion on 7/30-31, and my daughters 1st bday party on 8/7. We also are in the process of buying a house...supposed to close on 8/ I have lots of packing ahead! And it will definately take disciplin to stay on track in the midst of all the chaios, but I can win with my self control and will power.


Monday, June 28, 2010

6/28/10 Weigh-In I knew it wouldn't be good today...not with the choices I made over the weekend. BUT.......when Joanne asked whow wanted to take the tracker for the next 2 weeks, no one raised their I said "if NO ONE else will, maybe I'll have better luck this week with it." Joanne also had each of us set a goal to reach by September 1st. Then we had to speak it aloud to everyone else and describe how we are going to reach that goal. My goal is -10lbs, I will reach it by getting back on track. Eating more fruits/veggies, drinking more water, actually starting an excercise routine, writing everything down (again), cooking my weight watcher recipes for dinner, and measuring my portions. Planning my meals is going to be a major part of it as well.

I know I deserve a healthier life, and sometimes the best things in life only come to us by working hard! So if I have to sweat a little and make a few changes, by golly I will! I can do it and I will do it!

Lost Motivation!

I can't seem to get motivated again! Ever since I went on vacation, I can't seem to get back on track. I went to my moms this weekend, I did fine until Saturday. I ate 2 krispy kreme doughnuts...but at the end of the day I only went over 5 points. Sunday, I went over 4 until I got home when I stopped at Sonic for mozzerella sticks and a oreo mix. TERRIBLE!!!!

I know I want to lose my weight...and I want to get it off quicker than I am doing right now. But when I get home, I don't want to excercise cuz I am just so darn busy. Plus I'm kinda tired of I have been eating a sandwich (only 4 pts) for lunch. Every week when I step on the scale I get more bummed cuz its only 1 lb or less (if its not a gain). I don't know what to do to get motivated again!

Monday, June 21, 2010

6/21/10 I'M BACK/Weigh-in

It has been since the week before Memorial Day that I have weighed in! I only lost 0.6 since THAT weigh-in! Terrible I know! Vacationing has not done well for me. I had hot dogs and s'mores at the lake that weekend, and I haven't tracked anything during the weeks. One week I didn't feel like cooking, and ate the wrong foods! Then the 11th thru 13th, I was in TN, which didn't help at all.

At today's meeting, our leader asked who wanted the group's 3 month tracker (i guess last week they started this thing where a new person used the journal each week). I took it this week! I figured if I know someone will be reading my daily journal, I'd better stick with my diet and actually start excercising! I am determined to get down to 199! Not that I want to stay THERE, but I would like to get OUT of the 200's! I am ready to be 140!!! haha. I gotta buckle down and really take advantage of the summer heat and sweat this weight off! I have no excuse except for being lazy! I don't want to take my daughter out in ths heat honestly, but I know I have to do something in order to see a good weight loss! Fingers crossed I will find a way to do some sort of excercise tonight! I also have to get in control of my food intake!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6/15/10 Update

So...I have been slacking...this past weekend I went on vacation where I KNOW I didn't do too well. I havent' tracked my points in weeks, and well honestly I haven't been to a weigh-in since th weekend before Memorial Day! I don't have the money to pay for the meetings right now either, which totally stinks! I have lost alot of my motivation lately and that is mostly because I haven't been seeing results! I have got to get back on track before I lose control and fall back into my old habbits! I may see what I can scrape together and pay for another 10 weeks! It is the best way I can keep myself accountable for my actions! I need to start eating more veggies and fiber again...I know that has been affecting my small weight loss. I also have been snacking on sweets way too much! ARGH! JUST FRUSTRATED BEYOND WORDS TODAY!

Monday, June 7, 2010

10th Weigh-in

I skipped the meeting again today, but I weighed at home. I lost 1.2lbs this week. I only have 2 more meetings before I run out of pre-paid meetings. Which at this point, financially I can't afford the meetings anymore. I think I've got a good enough kick-start to keep going on my own at this point.

I am traveling on vacation starting Friday through Monday, so I have already packed 100 cal snacks, and substuting thin bread rounds instead of hamburger buns for our bbq sandwiches this weekend, and I am also substituing Quaker rice-chips for potatoe salad. I'm bringing my granola breakfast bars for my normal breakfast. I'm going to do my best to get some excercise in this week. I SOOO badly want to get this last 4.6 lbs off so I can lose that 1st 20! I think if I really watch what I eat, and stay away from the pizza that I ate over the weekend, I'll do ok.

I have the faith in myself finally to be able to lose this weight! It is going to be a long process...I realize that, but I am willing to take a whole year if I have to. I want to be healthy and confident like I used to be! I want to enjoy my family more. Being 140 and a size 12 would be so fabulous! I woudln't have to shop in the specialty stores or go to a different section than some of my friends. I want so badly to not be embarassed to tell my family/inlaws what size I wear when they ask me around the holidays. I am just already so much happier than I was because I am proud of myself for once! I know that what I am doing is not because I HAVE to, or because someone else told me I needed to...I am doing it because I want to! There is such a difference! *SIGH* What a wonderful future I see ahead.